Here we go again. Another mission trip to Haiti. Will it be as moving and memorable as the previous one? I suspect it will be. No, I suspect we'll be absolutely blown away. The Haitian people will amaze us with their resilience and enduring fortitude. The poverty and difficulty of everyday life for Haitians will startle us. The grace and humility and hope that overflows everywhere will humble us.
Our motto: "Sempre Gumby".
Anything else would be foolish. However, since God probably enjoys a good laugh as much as the rest of us, we continue to make detailed plans for ourselves. The departure is still six weeks away, but I am already very excited about this trip. Last time, in October 2010, there was definite trepidation and anxiety as I contemplated visiting the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, just 9 months after an earthquake had killed 230,000 people. This time, the principal emotions I sense are excitement, joy, and eager anticipation to discover what God has in mind for me this time. We'll see if a hurricane radically changes our work plans and opens new, completely unexpected opportunities for us. I'll renew old acquaintences and likely make new ones. Whatever happens, it will be good.
We are Mission Team from Floris UMC, Herndon, VA that was just assigned La Tremblay Church as our worksite, from 24 March-1 April. WE will be following your blog closely and hope to learn a lot from your experience.