At the 08:30 service and again at the 11:00 service on March 13, our Haiti Mission will be presented in 10-minutes. You'd better be wide awake and pay attention! The first minute or so will cover "where we went and what we did". The next 9 minutes will cover "what happened to us", or possibly "what we felt and experienced".
Each team member who can be at church that day will be able to display 1 or 2 favorite photos, and explain why the photo is meaningful to them. In this way, our congregation can (hopefully) see and understand why this mission trip was such a powerful spiritual experience for us.
We know that it's impossible to convey the full and remarkable impact that a mission trip has on a person (heck, we don't fully understand it ourselves!). But perhaps we can touch the hearts of a few people, open the eyes of a few, and give some the courage to take that bold step and volunteer for a mission. There's nothing like a mission trip to make you understand how blessed we are, how much God needs us, and how phenomenally rewarding it is to serve Christ by humbly using our spiritual gifts to make His world better.
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