Monday, March 7, 2011

Back Home in Austin, Tx.

As I reenter the comfort and abundance of my home in America, I'm striken by the difference and the inequities of our countries - America and Haiti. It's a curious thing to think about our histories and the extreme differences in our lands. I just witnessed one of the poorest countries in the world and am seeking God's guidance on my next steps. It's a bit overwhelming, wondering what I, as one person, can do. Yet, as I heard from other team members throughout our time in Haiti, what we do does make a difference.

My experience in Haiti is filled with so many thoughts and emotions. And through it all, I was reminded over and over again, this is a God story, not a Jon story. It started with the distress of not having a passport book two days before leaving Austin. I had a passport card but that only allowed entry to Haiti by land or sea. The short story is that I travelled 150 miles to Houston on Thursday, Feb. 24, and obtained a passport book in what I consider as record time. I left for Haiti on Friday, Feb. 25. God is good!

In Haiti, in spite of the many hardships, God's presence was so apparent, starting with the Methodist Guest House and its staff. Tom, Beth, Deanna, Ruth, Eric, the kitchen staff, and others showed their servanthood. Our interpreters, Joseph and Karen, were true servants. I met other Americans in Haiti from many different states, serving the Lord. (According to Tom, 30 teams passed through in 22 days.) After the first night, I was concerned about sleep but God made sure we had enough rest to carry on. As we drove through the crazy traffic, I certainly had to put my trust in God (and the drivers, who were fantastic). We saw many references to God and scripture on the "tap-taps." I saw other Christian organizations at work (e.g. Haiti Baptist Mission, World Vision). I heard Christian music on the radio where we bought a wheelbarrow. I heard the pure and timeless voice of a Haitian woman next door to the work site, singing about God. As we worked on site in La Tremblay, there were times of uncertainty and doubt, but that was God's way of testing our patience and leading us to put our trust in Him. God provided the bread (and the guidance) that the team needed to share with children of the neighborhood. He even led me through the week, without a cell phone. God is good!

And as Don so wonderfully stated, God brought a team of missionaries together for a purpose. What a blessing!! Don, our leader (and what a great sense of humor). Paul, the Baptist connection. Dawn, the dancer. Dee, the energy and idea person. Gregg, the money man and packer extraordinaire. Wendy, the practical one. Kathy, the feeler. Jim, the history prof. I learned so much in such a short amount of time from each of these 8 servants of the Lord. Their positive and Christ-like attitude was amazing, and lifted me up at times when I really needed it. Thanks be to God!!

And now that we're back home, may we not forget Haiti in our prayers and our service. Our challenge will be to continue to seek and discern God's call in serving the "least of these brothers and sisters" of ours. God is good -- all the time!

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